Pokemon ROM Hacks Download: A true-&-tried list of Pokemon

pokemon ROM hacks

What is Pokemon ROM Hacks? 

The Pokemon gamer’s community has been trending on the internet for a while now. Amid such an entertaining trend of gamers, Pokemon ROM downloads are going wild. From Pokemon comic series to Pokemon original consoles, people are purchasing them like there’s no tomorrow. So, if you are a pokemon console fanatic but cannot afford it for some reason, Pokemon ROM hacks are always there to make your gaming experience as accurate as possible. A series of Pokemon Go Games is now available. You can try out the pokemon black & white or specialize in Pokemon sword & shield. Both Gameboy Advance and Nintendo’s Pokemon series are excellent. And, believe it or not! Once you play it, you cannot get enough of it. 

Source: Polygon. Pokemon image from Pokemon television series.

However, Pokemon ROMs can be expensive. And, if you desire to purchase additional weapons and characters in the game, you will find yourself out of money soon. So, is it worth it to play Pokemon with nothing in your wallet? Of course not! But, here’s our surprise for you. We have tried out some of the best-of-best Pokemon ROM hacks for you. Our list will blow your mind. Further, it will improve your gaming experience like never before. That too, for free!

Before we go further ahead, we suggest that you review our disclaimer for precautious purposes. Henceforth, you can enjoy the most authentic pokemon rom hacks of all times. Good luck!


The act of using or applying hacks during a premium game is considered illegal. According to the law & order, hacking is a punishable offence until or unless the hacker/gamer has a written or verbal authorization to apply such hacks for professional purposes. The accused may face a jail sentence for doing such an act. The penalty can be short or long based on the profitability level of the hack. For example, if the hacker is earning money by hacking the game, it may lead to a monetary compensation and time in jail by the law. 

Pokemon ROM Hacks

Source: Youtube

On this website, we do not promote the act of “hacking games.” This reading is only for one’s purpose of gaining knowledge for game development as a profession. Or, otherwise. Using game hacks for personal use is prohibited. 

Top Pokemon ROM Hacks for the advanced gaming experience

Pokemon ROM Hacks are wild. Even when you do not have a supportive device for the pokemon console, you can make your device supportive of it using the following hacks. How? You will find out below. To begin with, the following hacks, choose an emulator of your choice. Dolphin emulators are one of the most recommended emulators for games. Also, make certain that your device does not hang or overheat during the hack application. So, let’s find out what’s in our treasure of Pokemon ROM hacks on iOS and Windows PC. 

Source: Youtube

Pokemon Light Platinum console hack 

Gamers love Pokemon’s light platinum version. In addition to the beauty of rubies, this version is full of Pokemons. You will be surprised to know that it consists of Pokemon from four generations. There are Gym leaders as well for a mesmerizing experience. Critical features of platinum version of Pokemon GBA Game are: 

  • Players can roam throughout four locations. 
  • Time-to-time unique events came up. 
  • Indeed, you can join in a race, and upon winning the final event, you can also win a championship. 

How to download the Pokemon Light Platinum console? 

Go to https://www.gbahacks.com/2014/04/pokemon-light-platinum-2015.html to download this version of the game on your PC. 

Pokemon Light Platinum: list of Cheats
  • Walk through the wall cheat code: E03B0649 5D67050C 78DA95DF 44018CB4
  • Collect All Badges cheat code: A12FCE77 0C1EC556
  • Pokemon Antidote: 82025BD0 000E
  • Burn injury heal code: 82025BD0 000F
  • Code for healing paralyse: 82025BD0 0012
  • Complete restore hack: 82025BD0 0013
  • Escape Rope cheat code: 82025BD0 0055
  • Skip to Pokemon’s 100 level: 56307399 25DF4466
  • Skip to Pokemon’s level no. 90: 750CEC25 D42EAE36

This is not it. We have more hacks and cheat codes for the Light Platinum version for Pokemon GBA. Summon us in the comments to add your requested code. 

Pokemon Dark Rising Part II Hack

Having a pokemon console by Nintendo, but can’t get hold of the Dark Rising Part II Version? Here’s a perfect hack link for you. Download here: https://www.gbahacks.com/2016/07/dark-rising-2.html

Source: Youtube. Pokemon Dark Rising Part II Death O5

Pokemon Dark Rising Part II ROM is one of the most trending versions out there. If you are an action lover and an adventurous gamer, Dark Rising’s sequel is complemented with both. The game starts off with the storyline continuing from Dark Rising Part I ROM. It consists of the following features: 

  • Pokemon’s fairy characters are there. 
  • Now, play Dark Rising with the modification of Mega Evolution. 
  • Pokemon are also available based on their nature – day as well as night. 
  • Now, Up to 12 GYM premises are there. 
  • One hundred ninety-three Pokemon are there. You can catch them all to win. 
  • Moreover, Dragon Starter Pack is also available for the improvised gaming experience. 
  • At last, The hidden powers of the player’s character are there to explore. 

Want to have fun by continuously winning powers in Pokemon Dark Rising ROM Hacks? Here are some cheat codes you can apply for small victories: 

Catch Pikachu: 83007CEE 0019

Get unlimited cash: 3AF85ACA C4D18CEC 8E883EFF 92E9660D

Get Shiny Pokemon: 39584B19 D80CC66A/ 73ECB8A0 BDD8B251 / D5AFFB37 6855972C/73ECB8A0 BDD8B251 / CE71B3D3 1F6A85FB/ 198DF179 5413C867

Focus Punch: 82003884 0121

Rain Dance: 82003884 0132

Psychic: 82003884 013D

Shock wave: 82003884 0142

Steel Wing: 82003884 014F

Note: While applying Pokemon ROM Hacks download and cheat codes, make sure that you have VPN activated in the background. If not? The risk of a computer system’s stability disturbance increases. 

VPN and Emulator running simultaneously during the game can cause your device’s battery to go down the drain within 2 hours. For a wild gaming experience and continuous play, choose a device with high-end performance capacity (battery life: maximum 20 hours).

Pokemon Snakewood ROM Hacks Download 

To begin with, Pokemon Snakewood ROM is one of the best versions of Ruby ROM. The main reason this version is unique in that it is a Pokemon amid Zombieland. Thrilling, right? It is complemented with dark humour and fantasy. For the most part, it is a continuation version that starts off where you win Pokemon ruby ROM. According to the storyline of Pokemon Snakewood, the player’s character is the sibling of Pokemon Ruby. When you enter the game, your character wakes up from a memory shock and does not recognize anything. However, you are required to act fast because zombies are surrounding you. 

Check out the GBA’s Pokemon Snakewood ROM Download hack here: https://www.gbahacks.com/2014/07/pokemon-snakewood-version-patched-rom.html

Source: PokemonCoder

Critical features of Pokemon Snakewood: 

  • Three brand-new and new areas to explore. 
  • Also, Fight the adventure when pokemon convert to zombies. 
  • Gym premises are no longer well-constructed. 
  • Further, Artificial pokemon voices are there to distract you from your goal. 
  • More challenging levels. 

Pokemon Snakewood cheat codes: 

  • Get rare and unique candy: 361E3586CD38BA79
  • Infinite cash code: FC3A2D1A63E8 / EC12AD996BD2
  • Pokemon modifier to wild and rare: 82FBD860AE242721 / 313D2BCE9004E149 / FBC061A9072FC320
  • Change character to Bold: 8CA19DF6 / CAAA4B16 / 35EB915F / 08F33974
  • Change character to naughty: 8CA19DF6 / CAAA4B16 / 83286B46 / 6479AA98
  • Walk through walls codes: E03B0649 / 5D67050C / 78DA95DF / 44018CB4

Pokemon Liquid Crystal ROM Hack

Are you a good cop (click here for cop games) or a very bad one, in real life? Well! There’s a reason behind asking. Let’s suppose you are a good cop. In that case, you would love Pokemon’s Liquid Crystal ROM. Do you know why? Because its plot is calming and humorous. For the most part, it is pretty equivalent to the user interface and design of the original Pokemon Crystal. Also, the storyline is similar. However, it consists of new features like:

Pokemon ROM Hacks

Source: Youtube.

  • Kanto and Johto are the primary and secondary locations of Pokemon Liquid ROM. 
  • Orange Islands are one of the best-picked explored locations by previous gamers. 
  • Modified soundtrack improves the experience. 
  • Day and night, Pokemons are different. Hence, there’s always a factor of surprise involved. 
  • Graphics and sprites are improvised. 
  • There are new events to join at every level. 

Download link: https://www.gbahacks.com/2014/04/pokemon-liquid-crystal.html

List of cheat codes for Liquid Crystal ROM 

  • Complete or Skip Pokedex: 4202462CFFFF / 0000003C0002 / 0000001A0002 / 42028FC0FFFF / 42025BA0FFFF / 0000001A0002
  • Get all Gym badges and items: EFCE867D 5403D40D
  • Kill on single hit: 000014D1 000A 10044EC8 0007 or 95EDFBBA A5A72A78 C833D1A0 02FA7205
  • Skip to level 100: 56307399 25DF4466
  • Change character’s personality to lax: D593BF29 E18 AAAE5
  • Add quirk to your character: 5A7B2626 21ECD183
  • Also, Get infinite cash: 3AF85ACA / 8E883EFF / C4D18CEC / 92E9660D

Pokemon Sovereign of Skies ROM Hack Download

If you have heard of DragonFyre developers, then your choice of games must be prime and endless. Believe it or not! Dragonfyres Pokemon Sovereign of Skies ROM is unbelievably adventurous and multilingual (also in German). For the most part, the game takes place amid the Ametic region. According to the Sovereign of Skies storyline, the main character (player) has been given a pokemon by his father, who is a professor. And, subsequently, the character wants to travel the entire world and become a champion of Pokemon (s). Sounds thrilling, doesn’t it? 

Pokemon ROM Hacks

Source: PokeCommunity

Key features are: 
  • Explore the beautiful and full of surprises in the Ametic region. 
  • Collect Pokemon from Generation from One to Seven. 
  • Also, Adjust the difficulty level of the game anytime. 
  • Further, The outcome of each action differs.
  • Above all, Catch Day and Night Pokemon. 

Download Pokemon ROM: https://www.gbahacks.com/2020/05/pokemon-sovereign-of-skies.html

Sovereign of Skies ROM Cheat codes: 
  • Unlimited Trade Stone: 82005274 0066
  • Unlimited Cash: 19ba49b3 / 975e8da1
  • Walk through the wall or WTW: 7881A409 E2026E0C / C56CFACA DC167904
  • At last, Endless/infinite master ball: 128898B6 / EDA43037

PKM Unbound ROM Hack Download

In the event that you are bored of regular pokemon plotlines, Pokemon Unbound ROM can change the entire gaming experience for you. When you win the first-ever Gym premises for yourself in the Unbound version, new events open up for you to acquire the championship. To begin with, the game continues in the Borris region. According to the plotline of the game, the Borris region and Kalos region were amid a war. Unfortunately, the Borris region was lost and destroyed entirely. The main character in the game remains obliged to resolve dark puzzles and protect the citizens surrounding him. 

Download link: https://www.gbahacks.com/2016/12/unbound.html

Key Features of Pokemon Unbound:
  • A custom battle engine used by the developers makes it a distinctive experience for gamers.
  • You can also earn unlimited cash, bag space, battle, auto-run, raids, and other adventurous game items and events if you play complicated and clever. 
  • If you are bored of normal and primary levels, you can modify the difficulty level for yourself. 
  • Also, Daily events ensure that the player receives a new task every day. 
  • Moreover, Puzzles and challenging in-game games are there to make you powerful. 

Note: Most of the above hacks are developed by GBA Hacks. Hence, you must have a supportive GBA emulator to activate these games on Pokemon ROM, whether for Windows PC or macOS or other potential consoles. 

Source: Youtube

List of cheat codes for Pokemon unbound: 
  • To receive mega evolution stone (not by the name): 000014D1 000A
  • One hit kill cheat code by GameShark: 95EDFBBA A5A72A78 / C833D1A0 02FA7205
  • Endless cash: 29C78059 96542194 or 820257BC 423F / 820257BE 000F
  • Also, get Endless items of evolution: 000014D1 000A
  • Gems and Capsules: 82025804 YYYY (change YYYY to 025C for Ice Gem)
  • Get Cosmog: 000014D1 000A / 8202404C 03EE
  • Get Buzzwole ultra beast: 000014D1 000A / 8202404C 03F3


    So, these were the best-of-best Pokemon ROM Hacks that you can download today and begin your journey as an online pokemon gamer. In the 1900s, Pokemon was simply a 6 pm to 7 pm show on popular networks. But, in the modern century, the brand “pokemon” has advanced to multiple online gaming, comics, television movies and series, and whatnot! To enjoy our undisturbed attention on popular Nintendo or GameBoy Advance games, stay in touch! We keep you up to date. 

    For more specific cheat codes, you can leave “requested cheat code” in the comment. And, we promise to revert with a true-and-tried hack. Thank you!

  • FAQ:

    Q: What is a Pokemon rom?

    A: A Pokemon rom is a single game file that may be a fan-made version or copy of the original Pokemon game from the cartridge. These roms are developed by developers to play them on third-party devices instead of consoles.

    Q: How to play Pokemon roms?

    A: You can play Pokemon roms by downloading them from various online sources, and using an emulator, a software that mimics the console’s system and functions, to run them on your device or computer.

    Q: Are Pokemon roms legal?

    A: Pokemon roms are not legal, as they infringe on the intellectual property rights and trademarks of Nintendo, the official creator and owner of the Pokemon games.

    Q: What are the benefits of using Pokemon roms?

    A: Using Pokemon roms can have some benefits, such as enjoying new and unique features, stories, and characters, playing Pokemon games that are not available or compatible with your device or console, and customizing your gaming experience.

    Q: What are the risks of using Pokemon roms?

    A: Using Pokemon roms can also involve risks, such as harming your device or computer, encountering bugs or glitches, losing your game progress or data, or facing legal issues or consequences.

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