Cake Baking- A Blooming industry to please the true cake lovers

cake decorating ideas

We all love cakes, and it forms an integral part of various celebrations in our lives. But how many of us know the actual definition of cake the most loved dessert globally? Very few perhaps, and so let’s share the same with you. Well, a cake we can define as a sweet dessert, prepared using flour, eggs, sugar, and several other ingredients in different shapes like round, square, rectangle, triangle, and even in heart shapes. A cake baking is done in a baking container in a cake oven, microwave, pressure cooker, or in an electronic oven to get cake decorating Ideas. 

In modern times cakes are now prepared even without using eggs and sugar. Cake decoration is another artistic section of the cake making activity, and there are different Cake Decorating Ideas for beginners available online.

Baking Industry(cake decorating Ideas):

We can witness that with every passing day, the baking industry is going bigger and all thanks to the increasing demand for quality cakes and bakery items. It’s the massive demand for the bakery items that helped in the fast growth of the baking industry. One of the critical products of the sector is cake and that too, in various shapes, flavors, and ingredients. Such massive growth of the industry is encouraging many young people to learn the art of cake making and to start their own baking business on a small scale and then expanding the same with time.

Popular Cake Baking methods (cake decorating Ideas):

There are various methods of cake making and baking, which can create variation in the texture, look, and taste of the cake you make. Some of the classic style cake making methods include:

  • Creaming method: In this method, the use of “cream” made with butter and sugar. Both the ingredients mixed till the time it forms a pale and creamy texture. Cakes made using this method will prepare this cream first and then step by step eggs added, followed by the flour to prepare the cake batter.
  • Rub in Method: Rub in Method is famous for pastry and bread making. You need to melt the butter and then run the same into the flour to use for cake, pastry or bread making. Take advantage of your fingertips for rubbing the butter to mix well with flour until it appears like crumbs. This rubbing process will coat the flour by turning it into a fine butter layer. It’s perfect for giving the cake, pastry, or bread the ideal texture at the time of baking.
  • Hot milk method: Well, it is another primary cake making method in which butter and milk boiled together before the same added with the flour—cupcakes besides other homemade hot-milk puddings prepared following this method even today.
  • Blind bake method: This method is perfect for Pies or tart recipes, and it needs a “blind bake” of the pastry. It means here one need to precook the cake before the filling added to restrict the bread from turning soggy.

Popular Cake baking techniques – cake decorating Ideas (Basic):

Preparing the ingredients of the cakes and mixing them is not enough to make the perfect piece of cake. You need to know the right baking method to get the desired cake.

  • Sieve: Pick any recipe of cake you will find most suggests to sieve dry all ingredients. This will help add the required amount of air in the batter. Sieved flour will end up giving a more significant volume to the cake when compared with non -sieved flour. To ensure perfect sieving at step one, make sure that you sieve the ingredients when it is scorched. While doing this process, keep the sieve at a distance from the collection bowl and use freehand. This will help the dry ingredients to fall at a little distance from the container, adding air to it.

Fold: Folding is one of the sophisticated techniques for mixing into the perfect batter without deflating even a little. Folding is done with hand with the help of a thin spatula made of rubber. Keep adding up all ingredients to prepare the batter in thirds to keeping the end mixture light. Take the first third of mixed parts and add with the egg batter. Cut it at the batter center and sweep your spatula around the bowl side. Scoop up batter from the bottom and bring it close to the rim. Now fold over ingredient right on the surface. Repeat the process until the blending completes. Once done, keep adding the next two batches following the same method.

  • Egg separating: If you want to make the cake with egg, then ensure you use only the egg whites and not the yolk. If any amount of yolk left in the egg white, then that will restrict proper whipping. But how to separate the egg whites from the yolk. The first suggestion is to use a chilled egg or egg stored on the doors of your refrigerator. This will keep it in the little condensed state, making it easy for you to separate. Tools are now available in the market to separate the yolk from whites. In case you don’t have the same, we recommend you use a tea Stainer with little broad nets. Break the egg and drop on the Stainer. The egg white will pass through and get collected in the bowl below. Now bring it to room temperature before you mix it up with other ingredients to prepare the cake batter.

Cake baking temperature:

The temperature needs to be perfect to bake the cake in the right way. 

  •  For Cupcake: Temperature will be 350 – 375 F or 177 – 190 C, and you need to bake for 15 to 20 mins.
  • Then, For Layer Cake: Temperature will be 350 – 375 F or 177 – 190 C, and you need to bake for 20 to 35 mins.
  •  For Loaf Cake: Temperature will be 350 F or 177 C, and you need to bake for 45 to 60 mins.

Cake Decorating Ideas:

The industry is demanding, and so are the cake lovers. We no more want a tasty cake only. We want delicious and beautiful cakes. As a beginner in the baking industry, you need to concentrate on easy cake decorating ideas. If you join the cake designing course, you can learn Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas. Chocolate cakes are an all-time favorite among kids. Especially those adults who all have unique carving for chocolate love it. Some of the basic level cake icings include the following:

  • Butter Cream: Made Out of sifted powdered sugar, superior butter, and Milk
  • Whipped Cream: Well this cake icing you can prepare using heavy whipping cold cream and sugar
  • Royal Icing: The outer shell of this icing dries to form a semihard quote. For colorful decoration, you can add it with right colorings. One can use egg whites and powdered sugar for this icing or can also use meringue powder to replace egg whites.
  • Cream Cheese Frosting: You need to mix buttercream with superior quality cream cheese. And your Cream cheese frosting is ready.
  • Meringue: Key ingredients used for this type of Icing include egg whites, granulated sugar, and cold water.

You can also use Chocolate ganache and Fondant icing for cake decoration.

If you or your client is looking for some seasonal freshness in the look of the cake, then Cake Decorating Ideas with Fruits will work for you. Depending on the season in which you are making the cake fruits selection done. You can also ask for the choice and preference of the client to decide the fruits to use once you select the decorating style and fruits and follow the below steps.

Steps to decorate the cake with fruits

  • Wash the fruits and cut them into desired shapes if required. Show your creativity in cutting the pieces. Dry it well.
  • Prepare the ganache or frosting base for preparing the platform for fruit sticking. Dab the fruit piece with cream and then place.
  • Place the more significant fruit piece first, followed by the small pieces, and complete your decoration.
  • Prepare a piping gel and then give a light coat of the gel using a pastry brush on the fruits. This will help the fruits to stay in place for a longer time.

There are some beautiful designs available online, which you can check to get fresh ideas for fruit decoration of the cake.

You will come across many people who all are not fond of the creams that we use for decoration. So, for them, Cake decorating ideas without milk are also available. Here you can make use of chocolates, candies, nuts, dry fruits, fruits, grated Coconut cover, and even real flowers and sprinkles. The finishing touch that you give to your cake needs must be perfect. Moreover, look, and taste need to go hand in hand to please the taste bud and to make you the ideal baker which the industry needs. 

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