10 Hardest Platformer Video Games Of All Time

Any good video game must keep the player alert. Continuous challenges, combined with a little bit of realism and lots of fun are the salt and pepper for a good game. A good storyline keeps the player hooked on the game. Also, rewards with new capabilities are way more fun than points. Each conquered level must initiate new skills to the player’s character. The difficulty is another characteristic of a good video game. There is nothing more fun than a challenging video game. Maybe only Jhandi Munda real money casino challenge! We have searched the hardest Platformer Video Games of all time, and picked up the most interesting characteristics about each one of them.
10 Hardest Platformer Video Games Of All Time:
- Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
- Battletoads
- Super Ghouls N’ Ghosts
- Celeste
- Rayman
- I Wanna Be The Guy
- Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
- Super Meat Boy
- Donkey Kong Country Returns
- Ninja Gaiden
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
The game was released in 1986 in Japan, with an altered version of Super Mario Bros.’s engine, some new features, and new enemy behavior, but more challenging levels. The gamers have different opinions regarding any game’s difficulty. But whenever people debate Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels, it seems there is no other answer. This one is designated for the hardest game out of the mainline series. It is also described as hard, but fair.
Reviewers recommend it for those who would appreciate a strong challenge. It is also described as clever and fun, but other reviewers, like GamesRadar, thought its “pointlessly cruel” difficulty, not worthy of the player’s time.
Save the Mushroom Princess!
In addition to the classic enemies already known, this Nintendo game has also members of the Koopa Troop, Poison Mushrooms, backward Warp Zones, and the occasional wind gust. You need all Mario skills to make it to the end and save the Mushroom Princess but from another castle.
The game is divided into 13 new worlds of the Mushroom Kingdom. Each world has 4 levels. Mario and Luigi have to get to the end of the level by jumping over gaps and defeating the enemies. The Mario Bros. can use several platforms to advance, but some of them are tricky. At the end of each level, Mario has to reach out to the flagpole from the castle. The higher the spot that Mario hits the flagpole, the more points he receives.
The most interesting level is World C-3 because it is a challenging level. The most challenging futures are the launch springs to get from platform to platform. Is it one of the hardest Super Mario levels because of the Lakitus flying around while Mario is jumping from spring to spring? Many fans couldn’t finish this level without multiple attempts.
1991 version
Battletoads was released on Nintendo Power’s, in July 1991. By October 1991 the game skyrocketed to the Top 30 NES list, and reached the number-three spot, with 6,008 points.
The 1991 game has basic controls that take the player through 12 levels. The plot is simple, Professor T. Bird and the three Battletoads ( Rash, Zitz, and Pimple) are escorting Princess Angelica to her home planet, but the journey is interrupted by the Dark Queen. She captures the Princess and Pimple. Defeating the Dark Queen and the fellow Battletoads is no simple task. The player starts with 4 lives. Each life has 6 blocks of life. Each time the player hits an enemy or plays a level on a vehicle gains points. Every 100,000 points is a 1 level up.
The game has been described by critics as extremely difficult. After the game release, a consumer guide named The Winner’s Guide to Nintendo mentioned the Turbo Tunnel level to be “one of the toughest challenges of any NES game.”
2020 version
After 26 years, following 1994’s Battletoads Arcade, a new game was released on August 20, 2020, for Xbox One and Windows platforms. Rash, Zitz, and Pimple returned to storm through an all-new action-packed adventure. The plot is about the three Battletoads trapped in a fantasy simulator bunker for 26 years. They want to become intergalactic heroes again, and they set out to defeat their longtime enemy, the Dark Queen. But they get to team up with her and take down the Topians, who have stolen the queen’s powers. The game has over-the-top combat, wild, varied gameplay sequences for all types of gamers. This time the graphic is hand-drawn and feels like playing a cartoon. The Battletoads 2020 game is a couch co-op for three players. 1-3 players will team-up, and take control of the Battletoads. The game is filled with over-the-top gameplay moments, memorable characters, and locations.
Super Ghouls N’ Ghosts
Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts is a side-scrolling platform game where the player takes the role of the knight Arthur. Arthur has to save princess Guinevere, kidnapped by Emperor Sardius. The game has four difficulty settings: easy, normal, difficult, and professional. The player also can set the number of lives, topmost nine. Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts is considered to be the toughest SNES game ever made, because of the death traps, bottomless pits, and unrelenting swarms of enemies. In each of Super Ghouls N’ Ghosts eight levels Arthur must fight ghouls before defeating a Foul Guardian.
There are 8 game levels. The player has 28 enemy characters, under the patronage of 8 boss enemies, but only 8 types of weapons, 4 types of armor, and 2 shields.
Celeste was released worldwide independently on January 25, 2018. It is available on Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, macOS, and Linux, Stadia. It consists of 8 chapters and a Farewell released as an epilogue to the main story. The main character, Madeline, begins her journey to the top of Celeste Mountain. The game is this super-tight, hand-crafted platformer, with a single-player adventure.
Celeste is described by fans as one of the most amazing experiences because it deals with depression and consciousness. The characters are memorable and the level design is amazing. There are lots of modding options in the game.
Madeline makes her way up a mountain while avoiding various deadly obstacles. She can jump, climb, perform a mid-air dash in eight directions. Later on in the game, the player is granted the ability to do double-dash. Combining dashes with movement in various ways can be used by the player to gain more speed. Throughout the game, the player will encounter additional mechanics. Players can also access an Assist Mode, where they can change some attributes about the game’s physics. There are A-Side B-Sides, C-Sides features and the Farewell DLC chapter all teach the player more complicated movement techniques that are needed to clear otherwise impossible obstacles.
Rayman was created by video game designer Michel Ancel for Ubisoft, and released in 1995. The series has produced a total of 45 games across multiple platforms. The series has 9 characters, the main one is Rayman. The other characters are Globox, Barbara, Betilla the Fairy, Ly the Fairy, Murfy, The Teensies, Polokus, and The Magician.
Rayman Legends is a four-player co-op. All players can jump in or out anytime. Through the levels, Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies discover a mysterious tent filled with a series of mythical paintings, into which they are suddenly sucked. The gang must run, jump and fight their way through each painting.
Rayman is extremely difficult because it is one of those games that relishes pits and spike traps. The player has 80+ levels of gameplay. Also, the enemies appear out of nowhere, when you are least expected. The player must complete with a very bare arsenal of techniques and moves, and the bosses have a big advantage over Rayman’s gang.
Nowadays, games are not as challenging as they were at the beginning of the industry. Some big title games have lowered the difficulty level to widen the niche of players. Others keep a good difficulty level, and only some players persevere to level up end reach the final level. Difficult videos are the ones that make the player fight for every level up! Also, the hardest Platformer Video Games are more rewarding. Choose the one you love, and have fun through each level!