3 Ways to Reduce Stress When Working From Home

Reduce Stress has a way of coming in and out of our lives but unfortunately, for a good majority of us it has been sticking around quite a bit lately. This seems to be almost exponentially truest for the scores of people working from home, many for the first time.
While it wasn’t all that long ago that working from home was considered next to impossible for most positions, thanks to advancements with the Internet, higher speeds, and availability, the “luxury” of at-home positions are available to an ever-growing range of workers and industries.
However, without the office camaraderie and water-cooler vent-sessions, some of you may be bottling stress up much more than you should. Especially for those dealing with children now attending homeschool or remote learning while juggling a full-time job.
While there are no “sure-fire” methods to completely rid yourself of this virtual stalker when working from home, especially in today’s tumultuous environment, there are a few things that you can do to reduce your stress levels.
Stop Skipping Breaks! for Reduce Stress
Your dedication and work ethic is unquestionable and trust us, that “super-duper important” task can wait. Staying at your desk for lunch and working through breaks is almost certain to increase stress and possibly lead to the dreaded “burn out.”
And don’t just sit there chatting with coworkers or surfing the web. Get up and unglue your eyes from the computer. Whether you just grab a good stretch, take a power nap, or get lost in a distracting video game, breaking away is a must throughout the day.
Set a reminder on your phone or have Alexa remind you and get in the habit of taking regular breaks throughout the day. Just like you would if you were at the office.
Not Sleeping Well?
For many of you, your stress is coupled with increased anxiety and in turn, this is probably affecting your sleep patterns. We all know that we need a good night’s sleep but the lack of it when combined with higher stress levels, can be a cyclical endeavor that increases both stress and anxiety.
Products like a weighted blanket and CBD tinctures are being used at night to battle insomnia, anxiety, and stress, as well as throughout the day for various other benefits and this has led to these two products getting a lot of positive press lately. Conversely, a good number of remote workers are also discovering that meditation, hormone balancing, and things as simple as listening to relaxing nature sounds at bedtime can lead to better sleep.
Whatever you decide to try, increasing your REM sleep is a critical step in reducing stress.
Don’t Forget the Little Things to Reduce Stress
When someone is suffering considerably from this affliction, it can be easy to overlook or even downright forget some basic best practices that can help alleviate stress.
Consider starting a simple home workout routine or purchasing an indoor bike to get your heart-rate up on a regular basis. Exercises that involve repetitive movements of large muscle groups, such as walking and jogging, can provide many of the same benefits as meditation but just about any sort of regular exercise can help relieve stress.
Natural supplements can also help manage and relieve stress and while you’ll want to do more research and consult with your physician before starting any new supplement routine, here are a couple that may help:
- Ashwagandha – a study published in the National Library of Medicine indicates that this medicinal herb helps lower cortisol levels, which is a known stress hormone.
- Kava kava – an herbal supplement that many believe boosts sleep and helps relieve stress and anxiety. There are trusted places, like supersmart.com, where you can find a liquid extract of kava kava.
The National Library of Medicine also has a study showing that aromatherapy is a great stress reducer. When you find yourself edging up on the stress levels, try using essential oils, especially scents that are known for their calming effects, like:
- Bergamot
- Chamomile (Roman)
- Frankincense
- Geranium
- Lavender
- Neroli
- Orange
- Rose
- Sandalwood
- Vetiver
- Ylang ylang
Making a conscious effort to lower your Reduce Stress and anxiety levels is the biggest first step. Select at least one of the items above and implement it as often as necessary and possible. You may be “stuck” working from home for the foreseeable future but that doesn’t mean that massive stress has to accompany it.