How To Recover Data From Virus Infected Hard Disk – Know Here


Lost all important data from hard disk because of a virus attack? No need to worry now. Because I will give you 3 easy methods to recover data from virus infected hard disk. You can use any method to recover data from hard disk.

In most of the cases, virus attack hard drive. And a virus attack can lead to data loss. For us, data loss is a very big thing as we store our important data in our hard drives. But don’t worry, you can recover data from virus infected hard disk.

There are 3 methods by which you can recover data from virus infected hard disk:-

1. Manual method

  • Using CMD
  • Using Anti-virus Software

2. Best Automated Tool- Free and Secure

Manual Method To Recover Data From Hard Drive

1. Recover Data From Virus Infected Hard Disk Using CMD

This is one of the methods by which you can recover lost data from the hard drive.

  • You need to connect your drive.
  • Go to start menu to start the process.
  • Type “CMD” in the search box. Press the “enter” key.
  • After this, a list will be opened. You have to search for cmd.exe.
  • When you find cmd.exe, do a right-click on cmd.exe and after that, you need to type attrib -h -r -s /s /d G:\*.*(Replace G with your drive letter). So that you can recover data from virus infected hard disk.
  • Now, you just need to wait. After it is completed, you have to check your hard drive whether the has been recovered or not.

2. Using Antivirus Software to recover data from virus-infected the hard disk

You can recover your data by simply removing virus from your hard drive:-

  • Download and Install any antivirus software.
  • Scan your data by using the software.
  • Check whether you can access your data or not.

Drawbacks Of Manual Method

  • You can lose your data permanently.
  • Shows error in between the procedure.

So there are many drawbacks of the manual method. I suggest that everyone should use SysTools Software. Because this software provides 100% surety to recover data safely.

Recover Data From Hard Disk Easily With Professional Software

Many users try to use the manual method because it’s free. But the manual method has some drawbacks. And due to which you can lose your data permanently. So, I suggest you use SysTools hard drive recovery software. It will recover data from virus infected hard disk in a safe and secure manner.

Steps To recover Virus-Infected Data From Hard Disk

Step 1 – Software Download
The first step is that you need to download and install the software so that you can recover data from virus infected hard disk.

Step 2 – Choose Hard Drive Recovery Option
After downloading and installing the software, you need to click on the “start” option. Then select “all programs” and after that select “SysTools Hard Drive Data Recovery”.



Step 3 – Scan
Now you need to select a scanning option. You should select” scan” option only when you need to recover deleted or corrupted data. And you need to select “formatted scan” only when you need to recover formatted data.



Step 4 – Progress Report
When you select the scanning option, after that you will see the reading percentage of scanning on your screen. You have to wait until it gets 100%.



Step 5 – Data Recovery
When scanning is complete you will see your data in the left panel. Now you need to select data which you want to recover. When you will select the data, the software will show the data in the right panel. And all the permanently deleted data will be shown in red color for user convenience.


Step 6 – Save Data
Now your data is recovered, you need to do a right-click on the selected files and then need to click on “save” button.

recover data

Step 7 – Select Destination
Now to save the files you need to select a destination. So, select a destination where you need to keep all your data.


Benefits Of Using Professional Software

  • This software recovers data permanently and also saves the data on a selected destination.
  • It supports many different file formats such as FAT, exFAT, and NTFS to recover data.
  • It recovers data from internal as well as external hard drives without any problems.
  • It can recover a whole drive, means it can recover photos, videos, documents, etc. safely and securely.
  • It shows permanently deleted data in red color so that it will become easy for the user.
  • Fast data recovery from IDE, EIDE and SATA devices.
  • It supports all window versions.

Final Words

From the above discussion, we got to know that we can recover data from virus infected hard disk and there are 2 manual methods to recover data but they have some major drawbacks. You can lose your data permanently if you use the manual method. I suggest that you should not use the manual method if your data is very important for you, you should use the software which I mentioned above. SysTools hard drive recovery software is a reliable software. This software also gives you a demo version.

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