When it comes to popular Japanese gaming characters, they are highly cherished among global audiences, even after their disappearance. That’s right! One such Japanese fictional character is Pappy Van Poodle — a cartoon dog of the Poodle species. Surprisingly enough, Pappy Van Poodle was initially introduced to the virtual world in 2013. However, gamers and fans’ encounter with Pappy Van Poodle has been rare, short, and outstanding. Why is that? Well! As the players of Rusty Real Deal Baseball already know, Pappy Van Poodle only appears in the gameplay during the non-negotiation phase with Rusty Slugger. Henceforth, the gamer’s encounter with Mr. Van Poodle highly depends on how he/she is negotiating.
Did you know this? Well! There are many other things we realize our gamers don’t know about Pappy Van Poodle. Thanks to our game lovers in the team, today we present to you a brief guide on Pappy Van Poodle — the poodle dog fictional character from Rusty Real Deal Baseball.
Here’s a fun fact – Did you know? Pappy Van Poodle is acknowledged as one of the most mysterious yet simple characters on Nintendo Games. That’s right! Born on August 8, 2013 – at 9 years old, Pappy Poodle has maintained its popularity among the Nintendo fan-following. Let’s get together and read without any further ado!
Table of Contents
Who is Pappy Van Poodle?
To begin with, as mentioned before, Pappy Van Poodle is a fictional Japanese cartoon Poodle Dog. In 2013, Japanese gameplay creators Rusty Real Deal Baseball brought out PVP (Mr. Poodle) as one of the characters in the game. However, in the Japanese version, Mr. Poodle or Pappy Van Poodle is also known as Pozukago.
To the reader’s surprise, Pappy Van Poodle was not first acknowledged popularly among the players because of its rarity of appearance in the game. However, a YouTuber discovered Pappy Van Poodle while playing Rusty Real Deal Baseball. Henceforth, the YouTuber’s reaction made this character so elite that gamers downloaded and played the game just to encounter P.V.P.
For the most part, that YouTuber’s name is Nick Robinson. Nick Robinson first created the video in 2013. From then and there, this YouTuber’s journey in the context of discovering more and more about this character is unending.
You will also find it jaw-dropping to know that Pappy Van Poodle is highly trending for its cute and cherishing appearance. Not only this but fans of PVP on gaming discords are also creating, uploading, and downloading hundreds of fan art. Reaction video YouTubers and gamers are going crazy for their videos concerning Pappy Van Poodle.
What’s more?
During Nick Robinson’s research and discovery of Pappy Van Poodle, he also discovered some dark content on the internet. That’s right! On several pornography websites, there are also Pappy van poodle sex videos which are absolutely questionable.
Did you also know? Pappy V. Poodle, the character from Rusty Real Deal Baseball, went from Pazukogo to PVP in just a week. Such a quick transformation of a Japanese gaming character into a global one is unbelievable. Is it possible that the creators already knew about its futuristic success? Let us know what are your conceptions in the comment section!
How to play Rusty Real Deal Baseball?
Do you want to meet Pappy Van Poodle virtually? If yes, then learn how to play Rusty Real Deal baseball in this guide. Let’s begin —
To begin with, Rusty Real Deal Baseball is a free online game. For the most part, in this Rusty’s gameplay, the player acts as a consumer. Further ahead, one of the game’s most crucial parts is negotiating and making in-app purchases. Surprisingly enough, when the Rusty Real Deal Baseball gameplay comes to an end, the player either receives a victory or is awarded “freeload,” if worthy! However, Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball gameplay is much more than that.
For example, Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball gameplay’s beginning is quite distinct. When you download this game on Nintendo 3DS, you will notice that you have to purchase it. To purchase it, the game user interface will lead you to “Rusty,” a store owner who is there to sell video games. Now, the initial value of the game (all versions) is $4.00. However, the player (consumer) has the choice to go ahead and negotiate with Rusty to down-place this value and purchase for less.
Yet, of course, according to the plot of the game, it is not always pivotal for the player (consumer) to purchase. There are several ways in Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball gameplay using which a player can freeload. For example, in the event that you play distinct mini versions of this gameplay, you will get extra credit. As a result, you can freeload easily.
In simple words, the game is all about the player’s (consumer’s) capacity to make the right purchasing decision. You can decide which is the best time and situation for you to make a purchase. And, which is not!
What’s more?
Here’s a fun fact: Did you know? Even though Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball Gameplay is all about making purchases. But, the entire playing cost of the game is only $40.00. That’s right! It means that for $40.00, a player (consumer) can accomplish every object/benefit in the game. However, it is not that fun if you spend $40.00 to purchase everything and not haggle at all.
It is important for the game and the player’s perspective to haggle and bargain with Rusty. The reason is that apart from “haggling,” the game doesn’t have any other challenges.
How to haggle with Rusty’s from the Rusty Real Deal Baseball?
Without a doubt, Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball gameplay is one of the most fun games on Nintendo 3DS if you are bored of all the action games. This gameplay is all about brains, bargaining, and financial values. So, the main question for newbie players stands — how to bargain/haggle with Rusty? Well! As you already know, Rusty is the mainstream character in the game. Therefore, it is not going to be easy to haggle with him. On the contrary, if you don’t haggle with Rusty, only then can you meet Pappy Poodle. Thus, it is mainly the player’s choice – who he wants to meet — Rusty or Pappy Van Poodle!
Now, you can bargain with Rusty using any valuable object. For example, let’s suppose you want to make a purchase from Rusty. However, it is unaffordable to you (player/consumer). Thereafter, you can offer Rusty something other than cash. For example, a donut. You can use a donut to lure Rusty into providing a significant discount on the item you want. Did you know? Rusty lowers the price of items by 50% sometimes. Worth it, right?
How to meet Pappy Van Poodle in Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball?
For the most part, one of the foremost reasons for Pappy Van Poodle’s popularity in the game is his “scarcity.” That’s right! Up until now, Pappy Van Poodle has been experienced appearing in Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball gameplay on two occasions only. One is when Pappy Van Poodle carries and hands a pup to Rusty. Second, he appears when he needs to exchange items with Rusty that the player (consumer) was supposed to give as a deal.
On the contrary, Rusty talks about Pappy Poodle many times in the game during haggling/talking with consumers. What you may not know about Pappy Poodle is that he is older than Rusty. Surprisingly enough, PVP has mentored Rusty. In dog years, they have been together for 90 years. At times, in the game, Rusty talks highly of Pappy Van Poodle. He speaks about PVP being his biggest supporter in life. PVP is definitely old, and Rusty shows a lot of kindness to him. Pappy V Poodle treats Rusty akin to his child, which is definitely the gameplay’s biggest value!
How to meet him?
In the event that you desire to meet with Pappy Van Poodle in the Rusty Real Deal Baseball, you have to quit negotiating with Rusty. As mentioned before, Pappy Poodle is one of the biggest supporters of Rusty. Thus, when a consumer does not negotiate with Rusty. As a result, Pappy comes forth and tries to negotiate on Rusty’s behalf.
Is Pappy Van Poodle the oldest Nintendo Character?
Even though Pappy Van Poodle is 90 years old in dog years, he is only 9 years old in human years. Further ahead, in the Nintendo 3DS age timeline, he is only 9 years old. Thus, the answer is no. Pappy Van Poodle is not the oldest Nintendo character. To the reader’s surprise, in Nintendo 3DS, the oldest character is Sheriff. Did you know? Sheriff in Nintendo 3DS was created in 1979.
Many Nintendo fans think that Mario is the oldest character. However, that is untrue. Mario was introduced to the Nintendo World in 1981. This makes Sheriff the oldest character in Nintendo. The Pac-Man video game is also the oldest Nintendo 3DS game, introduced in 1980. Pac-Man is still played by millions of players online.
According to the chronology, Pappy Poodle is the fourth oldest character in the Nintendo games.
So, now that you know everything about Pappy Van Poodle, it is time for us to say “Bye! Bye!” Get in touch with us for more gameplay information on popular & trending Nintendo 3DS Games, PlayStation, Xbox, and much more. Thank you for reading with us!