How‌ ‌To‌ ‌Setup‌ ‌AngularJS‌ ‌Development‌ ‌Company‌

AngularJS development company

Hello, readership! Nothing serious and great can be launched without a proper plan and detailed structure. Entrepreneurs of today must think much further about each of the little things concerning their businesses than ever before. Read on to find how‌ ‌to‌ ‌set up‌ ‌a AngularJS development company.

Nowadays, just creating a product is never enough. Of course, the product is always in the center of your market universe but your task is to make it affordable for your potential clients. Therefore, the things you are creating ought to be surrounded by the dome of advertising, social media promotion, offline placement and mobile or web application, which becomes more and more popular, especially in the times of the strong market competition. I strongly recommend you to choose exactly AngularJS development company as this framework is the best suitable one to satisfy all your desires.

Having a mobile app actually increases the customer’s engagement. Even if you already have a website, take it seriously to think about widening your business space by adding the mobile application to your business duty list. The best choice for this need is to find front-end developers that are professionals in their field.

Once you’ve chosen the development team, the main task remains – to set up their work. Here is a short guide below that will help you to organise people and to assign the responsibilities in the right way.

1. Establish the partnership

Try to be as straight and clear in your explanations of what you need as possible. Professional AngularJS development company will strive to understand fully the needs of the businesses they work with in order to provide the most suitable software development services.

When you set up the work of the employees, you should make the business process consistent and totally transparent. 

2. Discuss the process of the research and estimation

You initiate the process by requesting a quote for product development. The project managers talk to you to learn about the project requirements you have, as well as your business goals. Based on this information, AngularJS development company will do an analysis and prepare an estimate for the most suitable solution to meet your expectations.

3. Agreement

After the discussion of your requirements and expectations regarding the needed support and software maintenance services, and determining what measures should be taken, both sides agree on responsibilities. 

4. Development itself

As the team of professionals, AngularJS development company will turn on the magic behind and start the development of the project according to your ongoing requirements. You have the full right to ask for receiving day-to-day reports about the current progress until the product is fully implemented and delivered to your users. 

5. Software testing

Just creating a product and giving it to the customer is not enough. First of all, you need to test it in order to be sure that it is comfortable and suitable for using. These three important points must be considered while testing:

  • The measurement of the quality of the product before its launch;
  • Sureness that the provided products/services meet with your expectations;
  • Compatibility testing to check whether the product runs perfectly on different devices;

Keep in mind that every development company should provide their customers with different kinds of testing. AngularJS team offers all types of quality assurance services: security testing, functional testing, performance testing, manual testing, as well as regression testing, and stress testing. Black box testing, grey box testing, white box testing are also in their expertise list.

Except for technical testing, there is manual and automation testing. The quality assurance testing team uses various structured testing techniques and testing tools, including JIRA, Selenium, New Relic, GitHub, Tmux, Sahi, QTP, and Ranorex.

6. Delivery of the final product

The final step of your setup of the development company is delivery of the product. You get a stable, reliable product that embraces your uniqueness of that.

In addition, you are free to ask for extra service when needed. For example, once some bugs are found or when you need to add some functionality, the development team can implement it for you.


To sum everything up, be careful and attentive when you choose the development company for your projects. Follow the steps above to set up the organised team work of your employees and get the best possible product. 

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