Tinkers Construct modifiers Guide you must follow

Tinkers Construct modifiers

Tinkers Construct modifiers could seem appealing and interesting at first look. Moreover, there are numerous things to make and tools to get, but there are no crafting guide. Therefore, you can lose your bearings. Therefore, to  become an expert tinker, read this blog

Tinkers Construct modifiers: The Start

You’ll need to grab a few things if you’ve just arrived on a new planet and don’t want to end up with cheap, easily broken tools. Wood is the first and most crucial of these components. To build the many tool production stations, you’ll need to create most of your devices. You’ll need at least nine logs, with barely enough left over for a pickaxe. 

  • Before you begin putting things into production, take a moment to familiarise yourself with what you’re trying to accomplish. The Crafting Station can take the place of the vanilla crafting table. It maintains objects in the area even when the UI is closed. Additionally, it also allows you to retrieve the contents of neighboring chests or trapped chests.
  • The Pattern Chest is a unique chest that can be opened alone or by a nearby Part Builder. Only non-blank Patterns, often referred to as Casts, which we will explore later, can be stored in them.
  • The Part Builder is a workstation. This enables you to use stencils from the Stencil Table to mold raw materials into finished tool components.
  • The Tool Station is undoubtedly one of, if not the most crucial block in Tinkers Construct. Here, you can examine the tools you can construct, assemble different parts to create functional tools. Along with that you can fix them and eventually modify them in order to perform better.

Tinkers Construct modifiers Concept

The central concept behind Tinkers Construct modifiers is that players select the ones they receive. They apply various adjustments to the tool in a predictable manner depending on the objects they employ. The gamer should never rely on RNG to provide them with the desired modifier. The devices will feel more individualized while eliminating the possibility of a highly lucky build that the RNG grants.

Moreover, Tinkers Construct modifiers also inspire players to explore more of the game’s content because they each demand the crafting of unique objects. Each upgrade has distinct resource objectives, including ores, mob drops, dungeon loot, and crops, rather than a single resource that enables enchanting all tools. This also means that while most enchantments can be acquired after the player unlocks enchanting, some Tinkers Construct modifiers will be gated behind locations the player has not yet visited.

How Enchantments Controlled Randomness in Tinker Construct Modifiers 

Image Credit: Reddit

You can randomly enhance your tool by applying enchantments. Although you have limited influence over which enchantments are placed on your tool, each one has a distinctive effect. Even because enchantments have a random nature by nature, later game mechanisms let you alter the randomness to achieve the finest possible tool. In two instances:

  • Enchanted books let you upgrade or apply particular enchantments to tools on a whim. Although the method of getting enchanted books is still random, the player can simply mass-create books with enough resources, giving them a fair chance of getting the enchantment they seek.
  • A grindstone is a tool that enables the player to de-enchant a tool, allowing them to reroll enchantments. While this does not increase your chances of acquiring the enchantments you desire, it does imply that a subpar set of enchantments does not necessitate the creation of an entirely new tool.

What is the Cost of Tinker Construct Modifiers

Each Tinkers Construct modifier has distinct costs, which change depending on the source. The player must explore and aim for particular resources to improve because each improvement takes a different source to achieve. As a result of not investigating a specific area or owing to poor RNG during world generation, the player could be barred from using specific modifiers. The player must complete several activities to obtain an ideal tool, which adds additional variation to gaming even though it may take some time. As was partially mentioned in the core notion of the Tinkers Construct modifiers, the high cost of each upgrade method varies.

Look at the cost of setup

The player can begin enchanting as soon as they have enough iron for an anvil if they are fortunate enough to obtain charmed books as treasure (or find an anvil as part of world generation). If not, they will need to mine obsidian and get diamonds for an enchanting table. A grindstone, an anvil, and expensive leather and iron bookshelves can be used later in the game to upgrade a beautiful setup. Enchanting progression generally involves using many sources to improve tools in various ways.

The player must spend some wood to purchase the original tables and optional chests to obtain Tinker tools. It will be necessary to set up a melter or smeltery to use metal components and craft some modifier items. Eventually, a smeltery will also be required to create the alloys necessary to build the higher-tier station for making tools. A specific task must be completed to obtain an updated setup, with the progression of a Tinker tool setup generally linear.

Check out the cost of upgrading

Experience, which may be acquired from various sources and can be used to upgrade enchantments, has the same impact across all sources. Lapis lazuli is also needed for enchanting; it can be obtained from villagers as trade or as an ore.

However, advanced enchanting setups will be needed for books, which require a dependable leather source. Finally, unique sources like trading, fishing, or exploration can provide treasure enchantments. Despite being available from various sources, the optimal enchantment setup only requires one source. Hence, players are less motivated to seek additional sources if they have access to a reliable source of enchantments and experience. 

The possibility of receiving any particular enchantment from any source is still random. Therefore the most significant expense is the time since you might need to repeat a job numerous times to achieve the desired result.

Tinkers Construct modifiers slots.

Tools in Tinkers’ Construct 3 are balanced using Tinkers Construct modifiers slots. Each tool only has a certain number of slots, so the player must decide how to fill them. For example, adding more sharpness can need lower levels of knockback, making many of the most incredible instruments particularly good at just one job. To get the most damage against zombies, a perfect zombie killer sword, for instance, would take as many levels of smite as feasible and then fill the remaining slots with sharpness. However, doing so results in losing other modifiers like luck or knockback.

A few significant exceptions can be added without taking up slots. If not, every tool would have that modifier; thus, those modifiers need to be balanced in other ways.

By using the method of Scaling 

Scaling expenses to keep changing a tool is one more method enchantments are kept in check. This initially dissuades making numerous minor adjustments to a tool. This is because it limits the number of times a tool may be reasonably mended. In the end, a tool may cost too much to maintain or update. This is the case when it is retired and the player must start the creation of a high-quality instrument from scratch. Although this mechanism is debatable, it provides another reason to avoid trying to enchant every possible tool. In actuality, it frequently results in the player discovering alternate methods of fixing a tool without scaling costs, which significantly steers players toward particular builds and restricts options. The price for modifiers is upfront and may be considerably higher at first.

A single tool can be kept throughout the mod because no scaling cost mechanic is used. This is mainly because scaling costs steer players toward improvements that lessen durability loss, which narrows the available options. Tinkers encourages the player to create a tool that is highly durable. However, will break quickly and not be concerned that it won’t last very long in the actual world. As a result, Tinkers has decided not to mimic the scaling cost mechanic.

Balance the modifiers with Level Caps

Although there are some changes in how the maximum levels affect the approaches, both methods balance depending on top levels. When it comes to enchantments, not much can stop you from reaching the highest level. This implies that any ideal instrument with sharpness will probably have sharpness V by endgame.

This cap mainly forces the player to weigh several different modifications when it comes to Tinkers Construct modifiers. Since sharpness is limited to five levels, you may wish to branch out into fiery, piercing, or haste if you want to do more damage. Slot less Tinkers Construct modifiers are an exception to this rule. Because, they can still be introduced despite the slot limit. Moreover, they rely on the level limitation to prevent becoming too powerful.

As a result, the platform players must pay greater attention to how levels scale, even if one level of a Tinkers Construct modifier should ideally be roughly equivalent to one level of enchantment. There aren’t many reasons why a player would decide against an enchantment having additional levels, therefore an enchantment can have a robust first level and weaker later levels. The slot restriction for Tinkers Construct modifiers means that the player must independently decide each level of a modification because failing to do so makes room for another modifier.

Tinkers Construct modifiers

Image Credit: Tinkers’ Construct 2 Wiki-Fandom

Avoid making of Enchantment 

Although you might balance enchantments on a tool as Tinkers Construct modifiers. However,  Enchanted books are undoubtedly an option, but they represent a significant departure from the rest of Tinkers’ evolution. 

Additionally, it would be difficult to make them operate correctly without creating an XP duplicate with the grindstone.  

Moreover, it is also possible to turn a Tinkers Construct modifier into an enchantment. However, doing so would be challenging because there are far fewer hooks for enchantments in Minecraft than there are for Tinkers Construct modifiers. Although there are mods with enchantments or tools similar to many of our Tinkers Construct modifiers, we don’t have any intentions to include all Tinkers Construct modifiers as enchantments. 


Q: What are tinkers construct modifiers?

A: Tinkers construct modifiers are enhancements or upgrades that can be applied to tools or weapons made with the Tinkers Construct mod, a Minecraft mod that allows you to create and customize your tools and weapons.

Q: How do you apply tinkers construct modifiers?

A: You can apply tinkers construct modifiers by placing your tool or weapon and the modifier materials in the tool station or the tool forge and clicking the modify button.

Q: How many tinkers construct modifiers can you have?

A: You can have up to three tinkers construct modifiers by default, but you can increase the number by adding a part made of paper, which adds one modifier slot, or by using special items, such as a diamond and a gold block, an enchanted golden apple and a diamond block, or a nether star, which each add one modifier slot.

Q: What are the types of tinkers’ construct modifiers?

A: Different types of tinkers construct modifiers depending on the nature and function of the modifier. Some of the major types are traits, which are innate properties of the materials used to make the tool or weapon; upgrades, which improve the performance or durability of the tool or weapon; abilities, which add special effects or functions to the tool or weapon, and slotless, which do not take up a modifier slot.

Q: What are some of the best tinkers’ construct modifiers?

A: Some of the best tinkers construct modifiers are diamond, which increases the mining level and durability of the tool or weapon; emerald, which increases the durability by 50%; lapis lazuli, which adds fortune or looting to the tool or weapon, ball of moss, which adds auto-repair to the tool or weapon, and nether quartz, which adds sharpness to the weapon.


This is all we got about Tinker construct modifiers. We hope that the blog met your expectations. Moreover, if we miss something, please let us know in the comment box.  And also, do not forget to bookmark the page for more exciting blogs.

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