How to embed video in PowerPoint?

In today’s world, PowerPoint presentations play a crucial role in the corporate industry. Whether you are representing a brand-new marketing strategy to your potential clientele or you are presenting your years of working experience in a slideshow-based portfolio, now, you can embed existing video in PowerPoint. You can pick a video existing on the youtube channel and further add it to your PowerPoint presentation. It helps you to build a great first impression.
A video embeds in PowerPoint helps you to communicate videography ideas to the people present in the room. More often than not, today embed videos in PowerPoint slides also generate a way to show your creativity even if the other person is trying to ignore a third-party link. Earlier, video creators often used to insert direct video links in order to showcase their strategy, product, or brand. People don’t like to open direct links. Indeed, according to user behavior study, a user puts more attention to a video in a simple show rather than clicking on a direct link.
So, in this reading, you will learn how to embed video in PowerPoint? Furthermore, also find out about other factors of embed video in PowerPoint such as video duration, quality, import/export, and so on. Here we go!
Table of Contents
How to insert video into PowerPoint 2016 to 2020?
Check out the following stepwise beginner’s guideline to embed video into PowerPoint 2020:
- Go to your main PowerPoint presentation.
- Select the slide in which you want to insert the video.
- Now, go to the Menu
- Click on the Insert button.
- On the right side of the screen, click on the “Videos” option.
- Now select between “movie browser” or “Movie from File.”
- Now, if you have a video URL, click on movie browser
- Or, click on “Movie from File,” if you have the video saved on the PC.
- Now, select the video in the insert dialogue box.
- Click on the Insert button.
- You have successfully embedded video into PowerPoint 2010-2020 Microsoft version.
NOTE: We recommend you to cross-check several factors regarding the inserted video such as video format, video quality, audio quality, graphics, video clarity, and algorithms.
Different components of an embed video in PowerPoint
Video Format: Not every video can be inserted in a PowerPoint slideshow. To begin with, the video format for embed video in PowerPoint 2010-2020 is MP4. Other formats supported in android based PowerPoint are vp8 and vp9. Extensions to be used are .mp4 or .mkv.
To check the video format of a video on your PC, select the video, and click on properties. Other than short videos, if you are inserting a movie in PowerPoint 2010 version or advanced, supported video formats are: .mpg and .mpeg.
Audio format: Similar to video format, not all audio formats are supportive in the PowerPoint presentation. For an inserted video in PowerPoint 2016-2020, the audio format supportable is MP3. Other supportable audio formats in android, windows, and others are windows audio file (.wav), and Musical instrument digital Interface (.mid or .midi). Some users also prefer to set an audio format to AAC.
If you are troubling to set the above audio format in your PowerPoint slideshow, you can also try the following formats: AIFF, AU, MP3, and .M4A.
Optimize Media Compatibility: Optimize Media Compatibility generally fixes or reset a video to its original form in order to make it perfectly embedded in the PowerPoint. Furthermore, if you are experiencing trouble inserting a video into a PowerPoint slideshow, you can simply optimize media compatibility and all the issues with the specific video will appear on the screen. To do so, follow the given instructions:
- Go to the video inserted.
- Click the right button.
- Select the Info option.
- Click on Optimize Compatibility
- Several videos and audio tests will start processing on the screen.
- Once the process is complete, check the problem with the compatibility of video and audio format.
- Fix it by resetting it to default.
- Now, try again.
How to embed a youtube video in PowerPoint?
Whether you want to insert a youtube video in PowerPoint or any other web video, here’s a straight beginner’s guide for you:
- First, open the video and copy the URL.
- Now, go to the PowerPoint presentation.
- Select the slide where you want to insert the video.
- Now, go to the ribbon and click on the “Insert” option.
- Select Media option and further, click on Video.
- Click on “Online movie.”
- A URL box will appear on the screen.
- Paste the video URL that you have copied in the starting.
- Now, Click on the Insert button.
- Now, set up the video on the screen, preview it, and click on the play button.
NOTE: We recommend you to check out the web video for copyright infringement. In case you are using someone else’s video in your PowerPoint presentation, you must mention “credits” in order to avoid any legal consequences.
Why can’t you embed video in Powerpoint for Mac?
To begin with, you can insert a video in PowerPoint in Windows only. Furthermore, if you are using macOS or other operating systems such as iOS, you need to download Powerpoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac 2019, I .e.., latest version. Hence, if you cannot embed video in PowerPoint for Mac, you must check if the software is outdated. Furthermore, if you are using PowerPoint for Mac 2011, you will experience failure in adding a web/youtube video in a slideshow. It is because of a non-supportive version from 2011.
In conclusion, to embed video in PowerPoint is a very easy process. Likewise, inserting an image in Powerpoint, you can easily pick a movie or video from the web and insert it in your PP presentation. In case you are using a Smartphone to do so, you must check the compatibility of the video as well as Microsoft software.
Above all, internet speed to embed video in PowerPoint is very crucial. If you lose connection in between, you will need to repeat the given process.
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