Overview of the Gambling Industry in Kenya: Mobile Betting and Football are the Winners

Gambling Industry in Kenya: Mobile Betting and Football are the Winners

GeoPoll and Ipson have joined forces and published a study that was carried out before a large number of gambling operators lost their license due to the new regulations on gambling that took place in Kenya on July the 1st 2019. The research used SMS, an effective and quick tool to create surveys and a way to reach the majority of the gambling audience in the country. The agencies were able to put together a detailed study thanks to the answers provided by 600 punters. Read on to find out more about the sports betting Gambling Industry in Kenya or bet here if all that talk has you riled up for some bets!

How Frequently do People Gamble in Kenya?

The survey found out that 57% of users that were 18 or over, had previously placed a bet, 69% being males and 44% being females. Of those who had bet before, 47% were low rollers, they placed bets once a month, and only 10% of punters placed bets more than once a day. The study had evidenced that gambling is higher among males aged between 25-34, of whom 77% have placed a stake in the past, with 58% of this group gambling at least once per week. Females aged 35+ are the least prone to gambling and a mere 46% of this group has at least bet once in their life.

Of those who had never placed a bet before, 39% claimed that they were not interested in gambling, 27% said that money was the number one reason for not playing and people aged 25-34 stated they did not gamble because of money issues.

How Popular is Mobile Betting among Kenyans?

GeoPoll and Ipson’s survey showed that most users place bets via their mobile phones’ browsers or applications in Kenya. The difference becomes more and more staggering among users owning a smartphone compared to those having a non-smartphone. 64% of smartphone users gamble, while only 40% of non-smartphone users gamble. The percentage goes even lower for females owning a basic mobile, with a mere 27% of this group placing stakes.

It has been evidenced that mobile betting has changed the modus operandi of the gambling industry in Kenya , mobile phones are indeed the most used and popular method of betting. Among those who have previously gambled, 88% of bettors have applications installed and 55% of this group place bets on their phone at least once per week.

Previously, other ways of betting in Kenya were casinos, Internet cafes and betting shops but with the rise of mobile betting, they have lost their appeal. In fact, just 36% of gamblers previously placed bets in offline casinos, and now a third of those who used to do so on a regular base, only go to the casinos once a month. Internet cafes and betting shops have respectively 28% and 33% of Kenyan gamblers.

And the Winner is…Betting on Football

Punters in Kenya bet an amazing 83% on football and 11% on lotteries. Lotteries are more played by the older generations and the female population. During the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the survey evidenced that 77% of Kenyans placed at least one bet on at least one football match.

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